I was reminded today that a lot of you get the blog via newsfeed, and you might not realize I've switched over to a new site. So! If you're getting this in your newsfeed - or have been wondering WHY you haven't gotten anything in your newsfeed (I know, because you don't have better things to wonder about), just a reminder that the blog is now at:
See you over there!
I just wanted to ask, why sp many peopl getting out from this blog? I am a new one here. Maybe you know any other good blogs?
Wow... Excellent dear, great post!! there is so information on this blog, keep posting like this so that i can come back every day for some new topic...
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Thanks for sharing...
I just happened upon your blog which is so cool because I happen to be reading Time of My Life right now! I took it out of the Beverly Hills library last week and I can't put it down. OK - my question is: I had an advice column in college, and currently have an advice blog www.deardanielleadvice.blogspot.com
But how do I translate my successes with my advice column to success in publishing. I would love a book deal, either a compelation of the writing I have already done, or a more contemporary "dear abby" column that addresses issues relating to 20-30 somethings.
Thanks for your advice,
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Thanks for reminding me..i forget things very soon!
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