1) Such a Pretty Fat: One Narcissist's Quest To Discover if Her Life Makes Her Ass LookBig, Or Why Pie is Not The Answer by Jen Lancaster. If you've read either of Jen's previous memoirs, you know that she is scathingly funny and this time, she turns the spotlight on herself as she trucks to the gym and puts herself on a diet, in an attempt to slim down. Jen sent me a copy of the book, and while I've been swamped, I've only be able to read the first few chapters, but needless to say, it is laugh-out-loud funny. Like, really laugh-out-loud funny. If you've ever wished a few pounds away, dragged your ass to the gym or tried to stuff yourself into skinny jeans, this book is for you. Check out more on Amazon.

4) Moose: A Memoir of Fat Camp by Stephanie Klein.

So, go ahead and share, what's on your summer reading list?
OMG! I'm so thrilled and honored to have been included on your list. Thank you! I also wanted to tell you that I think you look HOT in your new photo on Facebook, and those rugrats are too cute for words. :) XO
PS: These other books look PHENOMENAL. I fear I'm going to be stuck under a big, massive to-read pile for the next few years. So thanks for that too, Allison. Thanks a lot. Really.
Great minds think alike! I currently have three of these waiting in the wings of my TBR pile, while reading another one of them!
One thing I noticed previously, wasn't there an adult FRENEMIES? Yeah--Megan Crane wrote it... question for Alexa--what's the backstory on her title and yours and how did you feel when Crane's book came out and you knew yours was titled the same???
And DAMNIT! I was supposed to go to Jen Lancaster's reading tonight but Suburban Mommy Stuff took priority. Took priority? WTF? I need a drink. AND MORE TIME TO READ!!!!
Great recap Allison! And PS, I'll have a bunch more to showcase coming up including some really great giveaways so tell your readers to stay tuned! Oh, I guess I just did! ; )
Sorry for the delet, must need more coffee.
I did a post a while back on my blog on getting my "summer bag" of reading ready and listed several like Lottery - yes I'm late to getting to this one, The Cure For Grief, Henry, Revised and more.
You've got some great ones listed and now I'm gonna need a bigger bag!
Allison, you rock! Thank you so much for the plug! I am picking up all of the other books you mentioned, too. I'm going to need some serious eye relief after I whittle my reading pile down this summer! (But that's a GOOD thing!)
I am so happy to see this list of upcoming books, thank you....there are some really terrific summer reads in this bunch.
My TBR pile is threatening to take over the house. But these books look good!! I'm adding them. Thank you for the review.
I love these suggestions! (And, coincidentally, I just read The Department of Lost and Found IN ONE SITTING. (clearly I hated it.)
My summer reading consists of my TBR Pile and research books for a new project. *sigh* books are my crack and I need rehab LOL not really that'd be silly but I sorta...never mind *g*
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