Tuesday, January 22, 2008


I'm knee-deep in moving hell, so won't be online much for the next two days. Hoping, fingers-crossed and with a prayer to Time Warner gods, that I will indeed have internet access come Wednesday/Thursday, but, well, I've mentally prepared for the worst...i.e, there's a cable screw-up, and I won't be online for the full week.


Can you imagine??? How did we survive without the internet? The mere thought sends me into a cold sweat. Seriously, being a writer must have been so ridiculously isolating pre-www.com.

Anyway, what I'm doing right now is seriously procrastinating delving back into the mess, but alas, duty calls. So - I'll be back as soon as I can! Godspeed. :)


Anonymous said...

Good luck with the move! You have my fullest sympathy; the only thing I hate more than packing everything I own is unpacking it all and putting it away once I get to my new house. Hope you enjoy your new home!

Anonymous said...

I lurk here sometimes, and just wanted to wish you good luck with your move!

Larramie said...

Isolating??? You CANNOT imagine!!! However times have changed... :o)

Allison Winn Scotch said...

Thanks, guys!! You are so sweet.

I'm actually going to try to post something tonight b/c I want to mention a contest that a writer friend is holding this week. Will try to get to the computer...

Anonymous said...

Good luck with the move Allison and congrats on the new place:)

Anonymous said...

Much as I love Blogspot, this is a good reason to move to Wordpress - you can pre-write your posts and set them to publish on a given date. That way, your blog is updated even when you are away :)

Happy moving!


Jen A. Miller said...

Ugh, moving is no fun. I moved in May and still have a few boxes waiting to be unpacked...some day....