Wednesday, March 07, 2007

Who Has Questions?

Because I might have answers....

I can't believe it, but I've burned through every last question that you wise folks have asked. So either a) I've taught you everything you need to know or b) the students have become the masters and you no longer need me. :)

That said, if you're lurking out there and need something answered, send it my way! That's what keeps this blog rolling. Don't be intimidated - I'm nice, really!


MaNiC MoMMy™ said...

Why don't you hold a contest to give away an ARC of your book! ; )

Here's a great idea for a contest--the person who suggested this idea should be the winner! : )

Allison Winn Scotch said...

LOL, MM. I'm actually getting real books in a month or so, so I figured I'd wait until then b/c I don't have many galleys left. Fear not - you'll get your copy!! :)

Anonymous said...

Hello Allison. I read your blog daily but rarely dare posting. Congratulation on your book, which I cannot wait to buy.
Here is my burning question. I’m ready to send queries to agents for my first novel. The novel is as tight as I can make it but I need someone v. cheap to correct the grammar, punctuation etc… (English isn’t my first language.) Would you have suggestions on how to go about this?

Larramie said...

MM: Good things come to those who wait and TDLF is definitely worth everyone's wait!

Carolina Baker said...

corine, i know a cheap editor ($3 a page).


You seem to be a freelancer at heart. I'm sorry I'm new to your blog, I feel as if I missed a lot. What let you do write a novel? Is freelancing and having clips a prerequisite to getting published?


Lisa Bakewell said...


When you were writing magazine articles (at your busiest), how many articles did you have "in the works" at one time? I'm in a position now where I have 4 articles that I'm working on and possibly a 5th (still for the trade magazine, but they keep upping my pay, so I can't complain). I'm allowing about a week per article, which includes research, interviews, writing. Is this about right or am I allowing too much time per article?



Anonymous said...

I still don't get how you can freelance full time, write fiction, have two kids, maintain a house, promote your book, have a social life, go to the gym...and not go insane. I'm incredibly bad at time management. Do you think about time management or do you do this stuff effortlessly?

How do you keep yourself motivated? Keep yourself from procrastinating? I stand in awe.

Jean Thilmany